John Klar Says “Open the spigot as soon as able!”


Brookfield, Vermont, April 21, 2020: GOP Gubernatorial candidate John Klar calls for a randomized COVID-19 study which will help Vermont know when to reopen businesses. In a detailed explanation, John relates why random testing is imperative to measure how widely the Coronavirus has already spread in Vermont, in order to accurately assess when a return to normalcy is possible.

Klar has outlined an ambitious, far-reaching plan to reduce government spending and restore fiscal balance to Vermont. He proposes to boost economic growth by supporting small farms and businesses. Governor Scott claims success in halting the spread of the Coronavirus, but the spreading economic contagion continues unchecked. Klar argues that in this area, Governor Scott and the progressive legislature have no successes to claim -- the current crisis reveals the extent of profligate overspending and government bloat that must now be addressed by Vermont taxpayers.

Klar insists that Vermont must implement random testing immediately, so as to minimize economic despair and losses. Then the real work begins -- of cleaning up the fiscal aftermath at the bloated legislative dome: “Vermont is in deep economic trouble, and those who charted this course cannot be relied upon to navigate the state back to solvency. Paying people $10,000 to come live here hasn’t prepared Vermont for this crisis -- we need initiatives that will actually work. What Vermont needs is an immediate, radical turnaround, from both the Coronavirus and the fiscal virus that has caused us to be so economically vulnerable. COVID-19 did not destroy Vermont’s pensions, economy, and future -- those were collapsing before the pandemic. We must rebuild our local businesses and our state government.”